Experiencing nature along the Forest Adventure Trail

8 topics conduct you along this forest adventure trail and tell you many interesting, relaxing and worth-knowing things about forests.

© Kärnten Werbung
Abenteuer walderlebniswelt lesachtal

© Kärnten Werbung
Abenteuer walderlebniswelt klettern

Our „forest“ is explained in a descriptive and comprehensible way. In order to experience the „habitat forest“ and to realize it you can try out yourself and get to know different things about this natural wonder. Take your time to get to know this ecosystem and to learn more about „lucky charms and medicinal plants of the forest“, „hunter’s bread and wolfsbane“ or „life in coarse woody debris“. Research, explore and rest! Enjoy the hike through the woody area in Lesachtal valley.


Tourismusverband Lesachtal
9653 Liesing 29
Tel: +43 4716 242 12
Fax: +43 4716 242 20

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