Weather today, 22. January 2025

  • 03:00 brightly
  • 06:00 brightly
  • 09:00 brightly
  • 12:00 brightly
  • 15:00 partly cloudy
  • 18:00 partly cloudy
  • 21:00 cloudy
  • 24:00 cloudy

wind in exposed higher regions: SW with 20 to 30 kmph
Very sunny until noon. Then some clouds from west.

tomorrow, 23. January 2025

  • 03:00 cloudy
  • 06:00 partly cloudy
  • 09:00 cloudy
  • 12:00 cloudy
  • 15:00 cloudy
  • 18:00 cloudy
  • 21:00 cloudy
  • 21:00 cloudy

wind in exposed higher regions: SW with 30 to 50 kmph, gusts up to 80 kmph
Lots of clouds with only a little sun in the morning. Dry.

Friday, January 24

Quite sunny and dry. However, in some regions persistent low stratus.

Saturday, January 25

Sunny towards the west and north. In the southern regions and generally in Lower Carinthia often low stratus.

Sunday, January 26

Lots of clouds and in the western parts of Carinthia some rain in the evening.

Monday, January 27

Clouds from the south. Mostly dry.

Tuesday, January 28

Dense clouds with some rain, especially in the south-west.

22.01.2025 - 02:30 - Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG) - The weather experts in Carinthia