Mountain Road Nockalmstraße

The 34 km long curvaceous road leads through this highly fascinating area.

The Nockberge mountains are Europe`s only Biosphere park situated in high mountains that is home to the widest spruce, larch and Swiss stone pine forest of the Eastern Alps (well sign-posted hiking trails). Encounter nature at the „Silva Magic“ park near mountain pasture Grundalm.

Tips: Biosphere Park Center "Nockalmhof" with a unique exhibition "Versteinerte Welten".


9862 Innerkrems, Kasse Innerkrems
9565 Ebene Reichenau, Kasse
Tel: +43 4736 265 oder +43 662 873 673-0 

Opening hours

May to October daily

Motorcycles: 8 am - 6 pm

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